Forget Me Not

Often times I write about ideas or things so embedded in my brain that I just need to get them out and this topic is no different. This won’t be a long post but it is one I hope you all read. A lot of times you hear people talk about “how will you be remembered?” But today an idea popped in my head, how will you remember?

As I was sitting at work I heard a story about someone who was starting to have memory loss. Most people hear that and kind of shrug it off because it does happen to a lot of people. But I began to think, what happens when/if I start to lose my memory. Like, these moments right now, this moment of me sitting on my couch typing, may one day never be in my mind again. That…is…INSANE! I mean I had never thought about it in depth. My grandfather battled dementia towards the end of his life and this never went through my mind. And so I thought more about our generation as a whole and how we are so mesmerized by our technology that we miss out on so much. And I’m not talking just life events and living life to the fullest, I mean making memories while we still can remember them. I mean, what did you do today? Did you do something today that you’re glad you’ll have that memory. Maybe you looked at the stars, played in the snow, froze you tush off, whatever it is remember the things you do. Too often people are looking down at their phone that life just cruises by them. I am not perfect sometimes I get caught staring at my phone but right now, I feel guilty for that. Do you? Do you ever look back and think, ‘I should have paid more attention to this moment.’ Often times we don’t because it is so culturally acceptable. As I begin this 2016 I’m trying to think of ways to make my year memorable and not for the sake of doing things but for the idea that I may one day forget these things so I want make the memories while I can. I don’t buy into the NEW YEAR NEW ME!! crap but I want to enjoy each year of my life. You and I will not live forever (that’s a different topic for a different day) but what we do in this life is not only how we will be remembered but how we will look back and remember our lives. I truly hope you all do something this year to remember for as long as you can. Put your technology away for just a few hours a day and enjoy yourself. Good luck in 2016!


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