A Fast Track To New Beginnings

Well, today is one of the most bittersweet days of my life. Today I start a new chapter in life and so too, do my parents. Due to unbelievably unforeseen circumstances my dad (Big Daddy) was able to take a job in Virginia. For those of you close to us you know this will take them just an hour away from Katie. I wish I could say at 24 I’m fine without them but in all honesty the last week has been stressful and unexpectedly hard. After years of having them right here for me I now move forward and begin to forge my own path in life. They are, have been, and will always be the best influences on my life and I honestly thought that they’d move and I’d be just fine. But the truth is it’s extremely hard to be so separated from your family. However, I’ve been so blessed these last few months. I’ve been able to secure an unbelievably wonderful job, I’m close to having a place of my own, and I’ve begun the process of starting something MASSIVE (stay tuned for more in the coming days). Adulthood comes up fast. For some it offers a smooth and relatively easy transitions and for others, like myself, it’s a long and treacherous  road. It takes work. But I’m starting to see the light. I’m starting to feel at home. And I’m finally feeling free in myself. No longer hindered by past experiences and decision. This life is my own and today I embark by myself. It’s scary, it’s exciting, and it’s sad. Hence the bittersweet comment earlier. So to you, my faithful and loving readers I offer you this advice. It’s impossible to see the finish line with your eyes on the ground. Keep your head up. Never stop chasing your passion. People will come along and discourage you and in those moments, lift your chin high and press on. Because nobody can discourage you when you’re on top of the mountain you’ve been climbing. I’ve been climbing this mountain since 2013 and here I am, rising above it. I love you all. To my parents, I’m so proud of your willingness and commitment to chase what you love. I’ll miss you everyday and just know everything I do is an attempt to make you proud.


Review Since the Move

Holy cow has it been a while. There have been several things I have thought about posting but decided not to. I thought a review of events since my move just over a month ago would be nice since many of you reading this, most likely don’t talk to me or know what’s been going on in my life.  So I recently moved back with my parents in Danville, Indiana, just like 30ish minutes from downtown Indy. The initial move was a breath of fresh air, a chance at experiencing something new. After all it was the first time I had actually lived with my parents in almost 2 years (college and internship). So it was nice to be with family. However, after a few days of having nothing to do and not knowing anybody it got really hard to be down here. I wasn’t sure how a 23-year old, who doesn’t enjoy frequenting the bar scene, could possibly make friends. Still haven’t figured that out yet. But luckily I was able to get a job at Cracker Barrel so I was able to meet people and actually have human interaction. The new job has been both stressful and a learning experience. After all, 2 foods classes at Mishawaka doesn’t really give me a culinary aptitude. So I have learned a lot because of that even if my main job is making salads, and I make a mean salad now! There’s a lot of things about Northern Indiana that I will always miss but I learned something 5 years ago when I first left to go to school 700+ miles away. I learned that I had bigger things for me in this world than Mishawaka could offer. I think of how a goldfish will only grow as big as the tank will allow, the bigger the tank, the bigger the goldfish. At least that’s what I heard, I don’t know if that’s really true. So when I got to Liberty, I was able to spread my wings and experience new things and grow because I wasn’t hindered by what Mishawaka thought I should be. My last name didn’t carry any weight down there and I could not have been happier. The same is true here. I’m not living in my grandfather’s, father’s, brother’s, or Saint Judy’s shadow because nobody knows us. I’m the first Danaher they’re meeting. Man it feels good. So while I haven’t quite adjusted I am still learning to grow and be my own person and not who people think I am. I have also meet and briefly chatted with the pastor of the church we are going to about the possibility of serving, so we will see where that goes. Thank you all for your support in this move. Love you all.



P.S. If you have questions or whatever do not hesitate to ask. I’d love to give you a more detailed explanation of things going on down here.